Space Shuttle Flight Manual
these flight tests were done in windless clear conditions using weather my affect the flight, remember you are flying a brick with little stubby wings!!!!!!! i would recoment using a combiation of the VC and the main 2d Panel to fly her as the VC gives the best view even though it has no moving gauges.

Flight tips for the orbiter (all airspeeds ar indicated not actual) simply go on the runway make sure the airbrakes are retractd and apply the brakes. start the engines (default ctrl+E) advance the power to full and press shift+F4 to activate the after burners/reheat (nessacery for full thrust) relese the brakes lift her off the runway at about 250kts and retract the undercarrage immediatly. establish i nose high climb about 60-80 degrees up pitch and hold this untill the speed drops to about 250kts or past an altitude of 65,000ft then lower it to 20-30 degrees at about 95,000ft begin levaling off and once just below 100,000ft cut the engines and enter glide mode (unless you want to cruse for a short lenght of time, then begin your descent back to terra firma maintain a glide speed of about 240 to 270kts you may experience what submainers call a crash dive (from altitudes above 70,000 ft), where in the craft plumits rapidly (i lost 45,000ft in less than 15 seconds) if this happens pop the airbrakes/chute for a short while as the craft will gain speed rapidly in this dive state and at high speeds the slightest pull up or turn will result in a G-force black out, (not a good thing to happen) (pull up gently and gradually though if you enter this state a sharp pull up can reult in a total loss of controll and beleve me you won't regain it!!!!!) as FS2002 does not simulate G-suits. Once lined up with the runway maintain your glide speed using the trim keys and gradualy slow to 200kts for touch down as soon as she touches down on the mains open the Brake Chute and when the nose wheels hit the deck (Gently) then apply full wheel brakes and she should stop. once she has stopped you can relax. thats it you have completed your first flight in the shuttle i wish you may happy hours flying with her.

Good Luck

Matthew Moxon